• What are the policies in our practice?
  • Fees and Billing Arrangements
  • Appointments
  • Emergency
  • Can I claim my consultation form Medicare?
  • Test Results
  • Communication
  • Recalls and Reminders
  • After Hours Care
  • Waiting Time
  • If your usual doctor is unavailable
  • Does Health Promise Medical Centre take new patients?
  • Do I need to bring my Medicare card to each appointment?
  • Privacy
  • Patient Feedback
  • Repeat Prescriptions
  • Are we Bulk billing?
  • In House Pathology opening hours?
  • Important updates
What are the policies in our practice?
  • Your mobile need to be silent at the waiting room and in the consultation rooms.
  • No food or drinks.
  • No smoking.
  • No animals are allowed inside the practice ( If it’s an assistance animals need to inform the receptionist 2h before the appointment and also not bulk Billing for these patients)
  • No bicycles are permitted inside the practice
  • We do not prescribe drugs of addiction.
  • Zero Tolerance Policy applies in HPMC. Threatening, aggressive or violent language and behavior towards our staff will not be tolerated. Our practice strives to provide a safe environment for all and we will take action accordingly. There is no excuse for abuse.
Fees and Billing Arrangements

Practice Fees

  1. We Bulk Bill all general weekday appointments.
  1. Bulk Billing is NOT available for any WEEKEND or public holiday appointments. Out of pocket fee apply
  1. Not bulk Billing for any procedures any day. (eg: pap smear, stitches, ear wash etc…)
  2. Not bulk Billing any “forms to fill” in any day (Insurance, overseas immunisation update, RTA, driving medical etc..)
  3. Not providing any “Work Cover or CTP” appointments.
  4. Please refer to the practice fee brochure or call the receptionist to get more information.

Other Fee’s – all patients


None Attendance or late cancelation <2h:

If you did not attend (DNA) a scheduled appointment or cancel with less than 2hrs notice a fee will be charged to your account. Standard appt $40.00, long appt $80 for all patients. Weekends $50 for standard, $90 for long appt. These fee needs to be settled before your next appointment.

Minor Surgical Procedures:

Fees for skin procedures vary according to the type and size of the lesion. Your doctor will advise you of the fee prior to scheduling your appointment for this procedure. All other minor surgical procedures will be quoted at the time of bookings. Please check with staff if you require any additional information prior to your appointment. Out of pocket fee starting from $50.

Phone Consultations (Telehealth) :

Only for existing & active patients of HPMC. Out-of-pocket fee $50

Visitor / Temporary Medicare cardholders :

Reciprocal Health care, Interim
Type Fee Rebate Out of Pocket
Standard $45 $41.40 $3.60
Long $85 $80.10 $4.90
Prolong $125.00 $118.00 $7

Non-Medicare card Holders or not-valid Medicare card holders 

Type Fee
New patient weekday – item 36 $125
Existing patient weekday $ 80
New patient weekend – item 36 $125
Existing patient weekend $125

Discharging from our care – Releasing of records to another practice – All patients

Health Summary – $40

Full records – $75

Home Visits: *conditions apply

Not available during the pandemic period

An out-of-pocket fee will be charged for all home visits. Please speak with our receptionist regarding the availability and associated fees for this service.

* Subject to terms and conditions.

Telehealth / Phone consult eligibility:

(Pandemic periods)

  • Telehealth is only available for the existing patients of the practice.
  • Must be an active patient of the practice, at least 1 face-to-face visit in the past 6 months.
  • Medicare card Centrelink cards must not be expired.
  • Is the patient needing this appointment currently living under COVID 19 isolation or quarantine order, or residing in a commonwealth – declared COVID 19 hotspot.
  • Patient consultation in regards to pregnancy counseling services or for sexual or reproductive health or bone-borne viruses.
  • The patient is 12months old or experiencing homelessness.

Please note : Medicare changing Telephone bulk billing eligibility from time to time. Above is a guide only. If you are not eligible for Bulk Billing you still can book for telephone consults which fee is involved. Not eligible bulk billing patients’ fees as blow lists.

Weekends & Public Holidays :

Saturday 9am to 1pm – ALL PATIENTS
Type  Fee   Rebate  gap
Standard  $     80.00  $             41.40  $             38.60
Long  $   125.00  $             80.10  $             44.90
Prolonged  $   200.00  $           118.00  $             82.00
Sat after 1pm, Sunday & Public H – All patients
Type  Fee   Rebate  gap
Standard  $     90.00  $             51.00  $             39.00
Long  $   135.00  $             87.40  $             47.60
Prolonged  $   210.00  $           122.55  $             87.45
  • Book online at our website
  • Call 02 9156 2770.
  • “Self Check in” at the reception.

Any appointments booked online gives you the freedom to:

  • Choose a time that suits you, and book well in advance
  • Get a confirmation of appointment via SMS and reminder through email.
  • Move or cancel the appointment easily.
  • Choose your preferred practitioner. (Practice always encourages minimal shuffling between doctors to give the best care to the patient. Work cover patients cannot change doctors until the case is completed.)

Patients presenting without an appointment will be given the next available time. Urgent medical matters will always be prioritized. Upon arrival please let reception staff know, and confirm all your regular details with to avoid any unnecessary delay for you. To help us schedule you appropriately, please tell our receptionists if your consultation is likely to be long (e.g. : health assessments 4y, 45y-55y, 75y+, insurance medicals, pap smear, skin cancer checkups, suturing and if more than on member of the family needs to be seen at the same time).

Walk In appointments : Yes – can be available, however there can be longer waiting time, therefore we do not encourage it.

In House Pathology service :

Weekdays  8.45am to 12.30 noon.


If you are experiencing a Medical Emergency, please, dial Triple Zero immediately.

Can I claim my consultation form Medicare?

Most of the general consultations we are submitting to medicare online.

  1. *We Bulk Bill all general weekday appointments.
  1. *Bulk Billing is NOT available for any WEEKEND or public holiday appointments. Out of pocket fee apply
  1. *Not bulk Billing for any procedures any day. (eg: pap smear, stitches, ear wash etc…)
  1. *Not providing any “Work Cover or CTP” appointments.
  1. *Please note, we have a no show / late rescheduling/cancellation (<2h) policy, where a fee will occur for patients who do not notify the clinic.

Bulk Billing not available for any weekend or public holiday out of pocket fee apply.

Test Results

All test results are treated with strict confidentiality. In order to protect your privacy this practice does not provide results to patients over the phone. Your doctor will give you instructions on how to obtain results for pathology or imaging tests (X-rays, Ultrasounds etc). In general, results are given during consultation in order to allow for appropriate discussion of their implications. It is advisable to make an appointment to discuss further management or follow-ups.


We are unable to provide tele consultations with patients, due to medico-legal reasons, and to protect the privacy and confidentiality risk involved. We aim to minimize miscommunication & reduce long wait times for patients in the surgery. Urgent appointments can be booked with our receptionist staff when you call. Standard security questions about identity will be asked during any phone call to ensure the right patient is being cared for. Any critical care required over the phone will be transferred to the requested doctor. In non-urgent cases, messages will be passed on to the requested GP, who will contact the patients at a suitable time.

Recalls and Reminders

We are committed to preventive care. To provide for an efficient monitoring of your health, this practice offers a computerised system of recalls and reminders. Your doctor will seek your permission to be included on our reminder system. We may issue you with a reminder notice from time to time offering you preventive health services appropriate to your care. If you do not wish to be part of this system please let your doctor or receptionist know. Recalls/reminders are done by phone or mail for follow-up tests, immunisations, health care assessments, reviews of chronic health problems like diabetes, asthma etc.

After Hours Care

If you need urgent medical attention outside of our normal surgery hours, please contact National Home Doctor Services on 13 SICK (7425).

Waiting Time

We are happy to say our practice waiting time is minimum. Most of the time our doctors running on time. However, time to time our doctors on call to the local nursing home as well. If there is an emergency they need to be attending and in that case there can be a long waiting time. However, if you can’t wait, our receptionist can give an appointment with a different doctor with minimum waiting time or can reschedule your appointment.

If your usual doctor is unavailable

Please note that even if your usual doctor is not available you are welcome to see one of the other doctors at the practice. It is a policy of the practice that all patients that need to be seen urgently are fitted in on the day. During our busy times we may need to seek additional information from you to allow us to triage your appointment appropriately.

Does Health Promise Medical Centre take new patients?

Yes we take new patients. Patient can book through online from our website, call 02 9156 2770 or walk in.

Walk ins patients we cater with 1st available basis. To reduse the waiting time, we highly recommend to book your appointment prior to come in.

Do I need to bring my Medicare card to each appointment?

It is appreciated if you do. Your Medicare number and current information is necessary for your details to be updated and correct.


All our medical records are computer based records only. Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff. We abide by the ten National Privacy Principles available at

Patient Feedback

While we try our best to provide an excellent level of care, we understand that there will always be room for improvement. We thus encourage all our patients who are satisfied, dissatisfied or unhappy with the service provided, to provide us both written and verbal feedback. For any complaints about the level of care provided to you at our practice, please speak to our friendly staff at reception or any of the doctors so we can rectify our shortcomings as soon as possible.

If you want to write a formal complaint, please send it via post or email to our management team on [email protected].
We will work towards clearing it and enhancing our level of care to the best of our capability.

Repeat Prescriptions

We do not believe that it is in the best interests of your health to issue repeat prescriptions and referrals without seeing you. Please ensure that all your prescriptions and referrals are up-to-date when consulting your doctor.

Are we Bulk billing?

Yes we are. Only for the general short consultations.

  1. We Bulk Bill all general short weekday appointments.
  1. Bulk Billing is NOT available for any WEEKEND or public holiday appointments. Out of pocket fee apply
  1. Not bulk Billing for any procedures any day. (eg: pap smear, stitches, ear wash etc…)
  1. Not providing any “Work Cover or CTP” appointments.
  1. Please note, we have a no show / late rescheduling/cancellation (<2h) policy, where a fee will occur for patients who do not notify the clinic.

Services not providing :

Work cover consultations. (workers compensation)

prescribe any S8 medications (drug of addition) without any past records, specialist reports or proper investigations.

In House Pathology opening hours?

Weekday 9am to 1pm – 4Cyte pathology

Important updates

Dear Patients!

In-House Pathology is operating 9am to 12noon weekdays.

Other ;

To reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission, and to ensure that we can continue to provide medical services to the best of our ability;

  • From 30.3.2020 we offer Bulk Billing telephone consults for medicare eligible patients.
  • Non-Medicare cardholders / private patients, phone consult fee apply

Note: Your doctor will call for a phone consultation at your allocated appointment time. Therefore, you don’t need to call the practice.

After the telehealth consult, we will be faxing your scrips & referrals to the informed providers.

Face to face consultation / In house :

IMPORTANT: Must wearing a mask before entering to the practice. Also we have to maintain “social distancing” therefore we are allowing only the patient to enter. (one parent/guardian should accompany a child into the session) The practice door can be locked, reception will open the door only if the doctor is satisfied after questioning.

Face to Face consultation patients must not attend the practice if you or your child have ANY of these symptoms:

  • fever
  • cough
  • sore throat
  • shortness of breath


  • had contact with someone diagnosed with or suspected of having coronavirus, visited hot spot areas, have returned from overseas in the past 14 days, or have been told to self-isolate.


  • had contact with someone diagnosed with or suspected of having coronavirus in the 14 days before getting sick?

If so, you are NOT ALLOWED to enter the practice. Patient can book telephone consult online.

You will be asked some questions and provided information on what to do next. This will help protect the health and safety of you and others. Thank you for your cooperation.

For up to date information regarding COVID-19, please refer to the NSW Health website, helpline 1800 022 222.

Heath Promise


Health Promise Medical Centre Mosman is committed to providing a high standard of care for the benefit of each patient’s health.

Contact Us

Phone: 02 9156 2770
Fax : 02 8123 1127
Address : Shop 3 – 361-363 Military Road, Mosman 2088 NSW, Australia.

Parking : 2 hours street parking available at “Prince Street” (1-2 minutes walk to medical centre) . Military road street parking available in certain time.

Copyright by Health Promise. All Rights Reserved.